
Tulpar Global Taxation


Excise Tax Registration

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Excise Tax Registration

Excise Tax is a significant aspect of taxation in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It applies to specific goods, including tobacco, energy drinks, and carbonated beverages.

Excise Tax is a significant aspect of taxation in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It applies to specific goods, including tobacco, energy drinks, and carbonated beverages. At Tulpar we offer expert Excise Tax consulting and compliance services to help businesses and individuals navigate this specialized tax area effectively.

Excise tax was introduced across the UAE in 2017. Excise tax is a form of indirect tax levied on specific goods which are typically harmful to human health or the environment. Excise tax is applied on the below list of items.

  • Carbonated drinks 
  • Sweetened drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Tobacco and tobacco products

Why Choose Tulpar?

  • Expertise: Our team consists of experienced tax consultants with in-depth knowledge of UAE Excise Tax laws and regulations.
  • Customized Solutions: We provide tailored Excise Tax solutions that address your specific needs and industry requirements.
  • Comprehensive Support: Beyond consulting, we offer ongoing support to help you manage your Excise Tax obligations efficiently.