
Tulpar Global Taxation


Quarterly VAT Return Submission

Quarterly VAT Return Submission

Quarterly Value Added Tax (VAT) return submission is a fundamental obligation for businesses registered under the VAT system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  At Tulpar, we specialize in assisting businesses with the accurate and timely submission of their VAT returns, ensuring compliance with the VAT regulations.  Under UAE tax laws, VAT-registered businesses are required to submit their VAT returns on a quarterly basis.  Each VAT return summarizes the VAT collected from customers (output tax) and the VAT paid on business expenses (input tax) during a specific quarter.  We offer comprehensive support for the submission of your quarterly VAT returns:

  • Data Collection: We assist in gathering and organizing all relevant financial data, including invoices, receipts, and transaction records for the quarter.
  • VAT Calculation: Our VAT experts calculate the total VAT liability by reconciling output tax and input tax, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
  • Preparing the VAT Return: We prepare and complete the VAT return form, ensuring that all required information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Submission: We submit your VAT return to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) on your behalf, adhering to submission deadlines and requirements.
  • Payment Assistance: If you owe VAT to the FTA, we assist in facilitating the payment process, ensuring that it is made on time.
  • Compliance Review: We conduct a compliance review to identify any potential issues or discrepancies before submission.